Lorena A. Barba group


Reproducible workflow on a public cloud for computational fluid dynamics

Submitted: April 18, 2019. Preprint: arXiv 1904.07981 Revised: Aug. 22. Accepted: Sep. 4. Published: Sep. 17, 2019 DOI 10.1109/MCSE.2019.2941702 Abstract In a new effort to make our research transparent and reproducible by others, we developed a workflow to run and share computational studies on the public cloud Microsoft Azure. It uses Docker containers to create an... Continue »

Reproducible and replicable CFD: it's harder than you think

Submitted: 13 May 2016. Preprint arXiv:1605.04339 Accepted: 13 Oct. 2016, Computing in Science and Engineering. Published: 17 Aug. 2017. Overview We do our best to accomplish reproducible research and have for years worked to improve our practices to achieve this goal. Barba made a pledge in 2012, the “Reproducibility PI Manifesto,” according to which all our research... Continue »