Lorena A. Barba group


This CFD class is flippin’

Having recorded the lectures when I first taught my Computational Fluid Dynamics course (for graduate students and senior undergraduates), I found myself in possession of around 40 hours of video to use again the next time. I had uploaded almost all the videos to the iTunes U service, and my students used this for lecture recall and replay. This... Continue »

Digital pedagogy in three parts

Screencasting, course blog, remote guests — This course is one of a set of ten modules in the College of Engineering’s offerings under the Introduction to Engineering umbrella. All incoming freshmen have to choose two modules, according to their interests, with topics varying from mechanical design, photonics, biomedical engineering environments, among others. This module is... Continue »

BU's top provider of educational media

With her latest course on iTunes U, a freshman Introduction to Engineering module titled “Bio-Aerial Locomotion,” Prof. Barba firmly establishes her track-record of using new media to support learning and championing the open courseware movement. This course has been the Top Collection on BU’s iTunes page since the start of the semester, while her previous courses... Continue »