At the closing keynote of JupyterCon 2020, Fernando Pérez introduced the inaugural class of Jupyter Distinguished Contributors, and Lorena Barba was among them! Project Jupyter established a "Distinguished Contributor" award in 2020 to recognize the work of contributors that is sustained over at least two years and is substantial in quality and quantity. Prof. Barba... Continue »
The story of a bug-fix after the research paper was published. Back in December 2019 we published a paper along with its reproducibility packages. These repro-packs, as we call them, consist of all the files necessary to reproduce the results in our paper (data and plots) and we deposit them in Zenodo and Figshare archives... Continue »
Preprint: arXiv 1812.10722 Dec. 31, 2018. Submitted: Dec. 31, 2018; Jan. 20, 2019; Mar. 20, 2019. Accepted: Nov. 1. Published: Dec. 16, 2019. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.063305 Abstract This work uses the long-wavelength limit to compute LSPR response of biosensors, expanding the open-source PyGBe code to compute the extinction cross-section of metallic nanoparticles in the presence of any target... Continue »