ExaFMM 1
Fast-multipole Method for exascale systems
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BodyStructure of bodies
BottomUp< equation >Bottomup tree constructor
CellStructure of cells
Dataset< equation >Contains all the different datasets
Dataset< VanDerWaals >
Evaluator< equation >Interface between tree and kernel
EwaldStructure for Ewald summation
JBodyStructure of source bodies (stuff to send)
JCellStructure of source cells (stuff to send)
Kernel< equation >
KernelBaseUnified CPU/GPU kernel class
LeafLinked list of leafs (only used in fast/topdown.h)
LoggerTimer and Trace logger
MyMPICustom MPI utilities
TopDown< equation >::Node< Radius of root cell
NodeStructure of nodes (only used in fast/topdown.h)
ParallelFMM< equation >Handles all the communication of local essential trees
Partition< equation >Handles all the partitioning of domains
SerialFMM< equation >Serial FMM interface
SortCustom bucket sort for body and cell structures
TopDown< equation >Topdown tree constructor class
TraceStructure for pthread based trace
TreeStructure< equation >Base class for tree structure
vec< N, T >Custom vector type for small vectors
vtkPlotBase VTK class
vtkSliderCallbackInteractive VTK class
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