GeoClaw-ArcGIS Integration for Advanced Modeling of Overland Hydrocarbon Plumes
Barba group student news
Barba group students have been awarded fantastic opportunities this year! Tingyu Wang was selected to participate in the International High-Performance Computing Summer School in Slovenia (June 26 to July 1). This will be the seventh instance of this international summer school, a collaboration of the National Science Foundation XSEDE program, the European PRACE program, Calcul Canada and... Continue »
Pi-Yueh Chuang at GTC 2016
At this year's NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference, PhD student Pi-Yueh Chuang presented the work "Using AmgX to Accelerate PETSc Codes." AmgX is an NVIDIA library that provides sparse linear solvers, smoothers and preconditioners on GPU devices. Pi-Yueh presented his work to couple AmgX with our fluid-flow solver, PetIBM. This code solves the Navier-Stokes equations on Cartesian... Continue »