Lorena A. Barba group


Student guest blog post: pterosaur weight estimation

The second in a series of blog posts by the students of "Bio-aerial Locomotion" at GW, and part of a collaborative and interactive study of some controversial issues about giant pterosaurs' ability to fly. The first student guest blog post (by Akash Druv and Alex Golding) addresses the quadrupedal-launch thesis of Prof. Michael Habib (and... Continue »

Student guest blog post: pterosaur quad launch

This is the first of a series of blog posts from students' course work for the "Bio-aerial Locomotion" class at GW's Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. The students explore several controversial topics about a giant pterosaur's ability to fly. Some background On Sept. 22, 2013, Prof. Michael Habib (who was a guest speaker in our... Continue »

Flying snake wake visualizations with cuIBM

These animations show the vortex wake behind a snake cross-section (two-dimensional profile), obtained with full Navier-Stokes simulation. The solver is an immersed boundary method that uses GPU hardware, cuIBM (open-source under the MIT license). The cases shown vary in Reynolds number (Re=1000, 2000) and angle... Continue »
