Past events in 2011
- Jan. 3–14: Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute: Scientific computing in the Americas, the challenges of massive parallelism. L Barba: designer and main organizer, with funding from the National Science Foundation, award OISE-1036435.
- Jan. 10–14: workshop on High-performance Computing and Emerging Architectures, organized by L Barba (Boston University), Eric Darve (Stanford University) and David Keyes (Columbia University & KAUST). To be held as part of the IMA Thematic Year on “Simulating our complex world”.
- Jan. 26–28: International Center for Computational Science, ICCS, workshop on Manycore and Accelerator-based High-performance Scientific Computing, UC Berkeley, CA — L Barba, speaker.
- Feb. 28–Mar. 4: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Reno, NV — Rio Yokota, minisymposium speaker.
- Mar. 4: BU Women in Science & Engineering, WISE, Research Networking Workshop, Boston University, 1 Silber Way — L Barba, participant.
- Apr. 13: Invited seminar at UMass Dartmouth, Scientific Computing Group,"Fast algorithms for global approximation methods"— L Barba (hosted by Prof Sigal Gottlieb)
- May 16–20: ParCFD’11, 23rd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Barcelona — L Barba, plenary speaker.
- May 31–Jun. 4: First International Workshop on Characterizing Applications for Heterogeneous Exascale Systems, in conjunction with 25th International Conference on Supercomputing; Tucson, AZ — R Yokota, speaker.
- June 1: Invited seminar at Daresbury Laboratory (UK), Scientific Computing Department: “A tuned and scalable fast multipole method as a preeminent algorithm for the exascale” — L Barba (hosted by Prof David Emerson).
- June 10: PhD examination (viva) of Felipe Cruz at University of Bristol. He is Dr Barba’s first PhD student. The examiners recommend the degree be awarded unconditionally. Congratulations to Felipe!
- Jun. 20: PhD student Simon Layton starting an internship at Nvidia Research.
- Jul. 4–15: Prof Barba visiting Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile, invited by the Valparaíso Center for Science and Technology (Centro Científico y Tecnológico de Valparaíso, CCTVal) as an advisor to the Center for the development of HPC research and education initiatives. Additional support by Nvidia Research travel match funds.
- Aug. 8–Sep. 2: PhD student Christopher Cooper visiting Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile, invited by the Valparaíso Center for Science and Technology (Centro Científico y Tecnológico de Valparaíso, CCTVal), to direct a 4-week CUDA training winter school. Additional support by Nvidia Research travel match funds. // Post-PASI training
- Sep. 17–18: AWM Anniversary Conference “40 years and counting: AWM’s celebration of women in mathematics”, at the new Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, ICERM, Brown University. Special session: Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing — L Barba, invited speaker.
- Oct. 1: PhD student Simon Layton returning from his internship at Nvidia Research.
- Nov. 8–9: Second GPU@BU workshop, Hariri Institute of Computing and Computational Science (day 1), with a tutorial at the Center for Computational Science (day 2) — L Barba, organizer.
- Nov. 12–18: SC11, International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Seattle, WA. // L Barba moderating the PASI Fellows “CUDA Research Fast Forward” presentation at the NVIDIA booth // Research poster “ExaFMM: An open source library for Fast Multipole Methods” featured at the NVIDIA booth.
Past events in 2012
- Jan. 9–13: ICERM Topical Workshop: “Synchronization-reducing and communication-reducing algorithms and programming models for large-scale simulations”, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI (L Barba, plenary speaker).
- Feb. 4–5: InPar’12, Innovative Parallel Computing Conference, in-person Papers Committee meeting, Alexandria, VA (L Barbe, papers co-chair)
- March 1: BU CEIT 4th Annual Instructional Innovation Conference, L Barba presents her Bio-aerial Locomotion class, with a talk titled “Digital Pedagogy in Three Parts: Screencasting, Course Blog, Remote Guests”. Boston University // See News article on our website // Watch the screencast of this presentation on You Tube
- Mar. 27-28: Blue Waters site visit at NCSA Illinois (L Barba, panelist).
- Apr. 21: New England Numerical Analysis Day, University of Massachusetts at Amherst — L Barba, invited speaker.
- April 28–30: Workshop “Scalable Hierarchical Algorithms for Extreme Computing”, King-Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi-Arabia — L Barba, organizing committee member.
- May 6: PhD student Simon Layton starting an internship at NVIDIA DevTech, Santa Clara, CA.
- May 13–14: Innovative Parallel Computing, InPar’12, San Jose, CA — L Barba, papers co-chair with John Owens, UC Davis.
- May 14–17: GPU Technology Conference, San Jose, CA — Simon Layton, speaker: “Classical algebraic multigrid for CFD with CUDA.”
- May 21–25: Parallel CFD 2012, Atlanta, GA — L Barba, member of the International Scientific Advisory; Anush Krishnan, speaker: “Aerodynamics of flying snakes using an immersed boundary method.”
- Jun. 25–26: CyberBridges: Developing the Next Generation of Cyberinfrastructure Faculty for Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering, Arlington, VA.
- July 8–13: 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM, São Paulo, Brazil. Minisymposium: “Applications and methods of GPU, manycore and heterogeneous systems” — L Barba, co-organizer with Takayuki Aoki, Tokyo Institute of Technology // Minisymposium abstract
- July 25-28: The Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting and Conference, Knoxville, TN. Minisymposium on “Electrostatics: Numerical algorithms and biological applications”, organized by Yongcheng Zhou(Colorado State University) and Weihua Geng (University of Alabama) — L Barba, invited speaker.
- Sept. 1: Arrival of our new graduate students: Olivier Mesnard & Jonathan Parham. Welcome!
- Sept. 14: Massachusetts Green High-Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) Research Seed Fund Workshop, Boston University Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science and Engineering
- Oct. 4–5: XI Jornadas de Mecánica Computacional (the annual conference of the Chilean Society of Computational Mechanics), Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile — L Barba, plenary speaker.
- Oct. 14–17: National Academy of Engineering 2012 Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium, Irvine, CA — L Barba, invited presenter.
- Dec. 10–14: ICERM Topical Workshop “Reproducibility in Computational and Experimental Mathematics”, organized by David H. Bailey, Jon Borwein, Randy LeVeque, Bill Rider, William Stein & Victoria Stodden — L Barba, speaker.