Events in 2017
- Jan. 2–6: Workshop "Essential Skills for Reproducible Research Computing," by L Barba, Natalia Clementi and Gilbert Forsyth, and Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile. Sponsored by the "Engineering 2030" program of Chile // course materials // GitHub repository
- Jan. 16 (1–2 PM): Big Beacon Radio: Transforming Higher Education, with David Goldberg — L Barba, featured guest // episode recording on Voice America
- Feb. 21: NSF SI2 PI meeting, Arlington, VA — L Barba, keynote speaker // slides
- Feb. 27–Mar. 3: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Atlanta, GA — PP0 General Posters: "Numerical MOOC: Collaborating in Open Education for CSE," L Barba, Ian Hawke, Bernard Knaepen // poster PDF
- Mar. 8–9: "Imagining the new University: Rethinking scholarship, education, and institutions for an open, networked era," Rosemont, IL (invitation-only event)— L Barba, member of the organizing committee and participant
- Mar. 25–29: International Advisory Board Meeting 2017, The Clover Engineering 2030, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile— L Barba, member of the Board // news posting
- Apr. 18–21: 2017 meeting of the Open Scholarship Initiative (OSI), hosted at GW, Washington DC— L Barba, delegate. OSI is an international effort backed by the United Nations (UNESCO), private foundations, grants, and institutions to work on making the global research publishing system more open, complete, accessible and accountable.
- May 2nd: BIDS Data Science Faire, UC Berkeley— L Barba, closing keynote: "Data Science For All" // video
- May 8–11: GPU Technology Conference, San Jose, CA
- May 15–17: Parallel CFD Conference, University of Strathlyde, Glasgow — L Barba, plenary speaker: "Just Do It: Reproducible Research in CFD." Olivier Mesnard, presenter: "Using AmgX to accelerate a PETSc-based Immersed Boundary Method code"
- June 5–6: Supercomputing Conference SC17 Technical Program Committee in-person meeting, Denver, CO— L Barba, technical committee Applications Track
- June 25–30: XSEDE International HPC Summer School 2017, Boulder, CO— Natalia Clementi, funded participant
- July 10–14: Scientific Python Conference (SciPy), Austin, TX— L Barba and Gil Forsyth, Program Co-Chairs
- July 17: GW Summer Program "Caminos al Futuro" of the Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute, for high-achieving juniors from US high schools—L Barba and Natalia Clementi, 3-hr tutorial titled "Data Science for a Better World" // materials on GitHub
- July 25: Workshop on Reproducibility Taxonomies for Computing and Computational Science — L Barba, invited participant
- Aug. 22: "ChemRxiv: Publishing in the Age of Preprint Servers," a joint symposium of the National Academy of Sciences Chemical Sciences Roundtable (CSR) and the American Chemical Society (ACS), Washington DC — L Barba, invited panelist // Agenda // @NASEM_Chem tweet
- Aug. 23–24: JupyterCon, New York City— L Barba, keynote speaker
- Sep. 12: Institute for Advanced Computational Science (IACS), Stony Brook University — L Barba, seminar speaker: "The Why and How of Reproducible Computational Research"
- Oct. 10–11: NumFOCUS Summit and Open Source Sustainability Workshop, Austin, TX —L Barba, member of the Board of Directors.
- Oct. 25–27: Virginia Tech "Destination Areas Global Speaker Series"— L Barba, speaker: “Teaching in STEM Disciplines: Open Source Methods,” moderator: Anita Walz; “What Savvy Open Scholars Know and Do,” Open Access Week Address, moderator: Philip Young // screencast video (poor audio quality)
- Nov. 12–17: Supercomputing Conference SC17, Denver, CO— L Barba, technical committee Applications Track
Events in 2018
- Jan. 17–19: NASEM Study Committee on Best Practices for a Future Open Code Policy for NASA Space Science meeting — L Barba, committee member, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
- Jan. 22–23: NASEM Study Committee on Reproducibility and Replicability in Science meeting — L Barba, committee member, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
- Jan. 23: GEM-ASEE Doctoral Engineering Research Showcase, by the American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, DC — L Barba, luncheon speaker: "7 things I would tell you if I was your mentor"// slides
- Feb. 2: Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks, by Prof. Lorena Barba. Teaching for Engagement Workshop Series, Gelman Library (room 219, 12–1 PM, reception to follow.
- Feb. 22–23: NASEM Study Committee on Reproducibility and Replicability in Science meeting — L Barba, committee member, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
- Feb. 26–28: NASEM Study Committee on Best Practices for a Future Open Code Policy for NASA Space Science meeting — L Barba, committee member, National Academy of Sciences, Irvine, CA.
- Apr. 2–4: International Advisory Board Meeting 2017, The Clover Engineering 2030, in Santa Cruz, Chile— L Barba, member of the Board // news posting
- Apr. 18–19: NASEM Study Committee on Reproducibility and Replicability in Science meeting — L Barba, committee member, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
- Apr. 24–26: Open Education Global Conference, Delft, Netherlands — L Barba, presenter: "A Qualitative Study of Open Educational Practice using Jupyter Notebooks" // abstract and schedule // presentation slides
- May 14–17: International Conference in Parallel CFD (ParCFD 2018), Indianapolis, Indiana — O Mesnard, presenter: "Three-dimensional flow simulations of the flying snake using Microsoft Azure"
- May 15: Jupyter Pop-up DC — L Barba, featured speaker // announcement PDF
- May 16–17: Computational Fluid Dynamics Software Infrastructure (CFDSI) conceptualization workshop, University of Colorado, Boulder — L Barba, invited participant
- May 29–31: Open edX Conference, Montréal, Canada — L Barba, presenter: "Jupyter-based courses in Open edX: authoring and grading with notebooks" // news post
- May 31–Jun. 1: NASEM Study Committee on Reproducibility and Replicability in Science meeting — L Barba, committee member, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
- July 9–15: Scientific Python Conference (SciPy), Austin, TX — L Barba and G Forsyth, Program Co-Chairs. L Barba, presenter: "Engineers Code: re-usable, open educational modules for engineering undergraduates" // abstract // slides // video — L Barba, Diversity Luncheon Speaker: "Bias, Diversity, Backlash, Manifestos, and Rebuttals" // abstract // video
- July 17: GW Summer Program "Caminos al Futuro" of the Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute, for high-achieving juniors from US high schools—L Barba and Natalia Clementi, 3-hr tutorial titled "Data Science for a Better World" // materials on GitHub
- July 24–25: NASEM Study Committee on Reproducibility and Replicability in Science meeting — L Barba, committee member, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
- Aug. 21–24: JupyterCon NY — L Barba, member of the program committee, and presenting "Flipped learning with Jupyter: Experiences, best practices, and supporting research" // session details
- Oct. 11: Distinguished Lectures in Computational Innovation series, Columbia University, NY — L Barba, invited speaker // announcement
- Oct. 18: Boeing Distinguished Colloquium, University of Washington, Seattle, WA — L Barba, invited speaker // announcement
- Oct. 19: eScience Institute Reproducibility and Open Science Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA — L Barba, invited speaker // announcement
- Nov. 11–15: Supercomputing Conference SC18 Dallas, TX
- Dec. 14: Second Chilean Symposium on Boundary Element Methods, Valparaiso, Chile — L. Barba, keynote speaker, and Natalia Clementi, presenter. Followed by a one-week research visit with Dr. Christopher Cooper.
April 14— #BarbaGroup news:
#Barbagroup News—@ncclementi selected to attend the International #HPC Summer School 2017 co-funded by @XSEDEscience https://t.co/K9oMVie790
— Lorena Barba (@LorenaABarba) April 14, 2017
May 2nd— Prof. Lorena Barba's keynote at the BIDS Data Science Faire:
The ultra-talented @ncclementi and I shared the power of #Jupyter with nearly 20 high-school juniors from Hispanic backgrounds. pic.twitter.com/B4Cldj727j
— Lorena Barba (@LorenaABarba) July 18, 2017
Aug. 25— Prof. Lorena Barba's keynote at JupyterCon
Fascinating keynote from @LorenaABarba placing Jupyter as a conversational medium in science enabling reproducibility . #JupyterCon pic.twitter.com/qK7C7diw9f
— Matt Davis (@jiffyclub) August 25, 2017
.@LorenaABarba keynote on reproducible science at #JupyterCon. Grateful for opportunity to work with her at #GWU and here this week. pic.twitter.com/iBa5VNNgUj
— Robert Talbert (@RobertTalbert) August 25, 2017
On my way to deliver closing remarks at the GEM-ASEE Doctoral Engineering Research Showcase https://t.co/kvWr8AnayV @ASEE_DC—my title: "7 things I'd tell you if I was your mentor."
— Lorena Barba (@LorenaABarba) January 23, 2018
Current status—reading my assigned white papers from the 48 submitted to @theNASEM committee on Best Practices for a Future Open Code Policy for #NASA Space Science https://t.co/OsKHAPdzxR
— Lorena Barba (@LorenaABarba) February 5, 2018
"El gran desafío que tenemos es cambiar el rol de los ingenieros" decano De la Llera en encuentro del consejo asesor @TheClover2030 Consorcio @IngenieriaUC @USM pic.twitter.com/fKpqt0bkwh
— The Clover (@TheClover2030) April 2, 2018
Slides for my #OEGLOBAL18 talk—A Qualitative Study of Open Educational Practice using #Jupyter Notebooks https://t.co/O2UkwxLZ2C via @figshare
— Lorena Barba (@LorenaABarba) April 24, 2018
Fantastic talk by @LorenaABarba on what’s missing from the #OER conversation in the US: open production processes/ developing “in the open”, collaboration/ co-creation, focus on open practices vs artifacts #OEGlobal18
— Natascha Chtena (@nataschachtena) April 24, 2018
Privileged to listen to a GREAT talk by @LorenaABarba at #OEGlobal18 and then to meet in person. What a day! https://t.co/7Im1vtifO4
— Juan Klopper (@docjuank) April 24, 2018