Past events in 2015
- Feb. 9: Prof. Barba is visiting the Berkeley Institute for Data Science, BIDS, at the University of California, Berkeley.
- Feb 10: Fluid Mechanics Seminar at the Stanford University Dept. of Mechanical Engineering— L Barba, invited speaker.
- Mar. 14–18: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Salt Lake City, Utah —L Barba, organizer of the featured minisymposium MS27 "Fast multipole methods maturing at 30 years," invited speaker in the minisymposium MS78 "Teaching Computational Thinking and Practice," invited speaker in the special panel PD3 "The Future of CSE as a Discipline."
- Mar. 17–20: GPU Technology Conference, San Jose, California.
- May 13–15: Barba-group alumnus Christopher Cooper visiting the group at GW.
- May 17–20: ParCFD, 27th International Conference in Parallel CFD, Montréal, Canada — L Barba, member of the International Advisory; Olivier Mesnard, speaker; Anush Krishnan & L Barba, co-authors.
- June 15–18: PETSc 20th anniversary workshop and tutorial, Chicago, IL — G Forsyth, attending with travel funding from Argonne National Laboratory.
- June 16–19: XSEDE High-performance Computing Summer Boot Camp, George Washington University — PY Chuang and O Mesnard participating.
- July 6–11: SciPy, Scientific Computing with Python, Austin, TX.
- July 24–26: PyData Seattle 2015 — L Barba, keynote speaker: "Data-driven Education and the Quantified Student." // Presentation slides and notes
- Aug. 5–7: Encuentro Nacional de Ingeniería Matemática, SIAM Chapter at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile — L Barba, invited speaker.
- Sept. 15–18: European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2015, Toledo, Spain — L Barba, member of the program committee and invited panelist for the "HybridEd Workshop: MOOC-based Models for Hybrid Pedagogies."
- Oct. 1st: Colonial One User's Lunch — Olivier Mesnard, speaker: "PetIBM: a PETSc-based immersed boundary method."
- Oct. 2–3: Learning with MOOCs 2015, Columbia University, NY — L Barba, participant.
- Oct. 12–16: MBI, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Workshop 2: Multiple Faces of Biomolecular Electrostatics, organized by E. Alexov, Bo Li, Ray Luo, Guowei Wei — L Barba, invited participant.
- Oct. 24: Jupyter Day in NYC, ImpactHub — L Barba: invited speaker.
- Oct. 30: Prof. Barba speaking at the Berkeley Institute of Data Science (BIDS) for the Data Science Lecture Series: "Computational Thinking and the Pedagogy of Computable Content."
- Nov. 11: Open edX Universities Symposium, George Washington University — L Barba: organizer, program chair, panelist and moderator.
- Nov. 20: Strategic Advisory Meeting of the "Next Generation Computational Modeling" (NGCM) Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Southampton, UK — L Barba, member of the Advisory Board.
Events in 2016
Prof. Barba will be a Visiting Scholar at the Berkeley Institute of Data Science for Spring 2016
- Jan. 7: Open edX Meetup in NCY, organized by IBL Studios and hosted by MacKinsey Academy — L Barba, invited speaker // Video on YouTube
- Feb. 16–17: AAAS Arnold Workshop III: Modeling and Code, hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC — L Barba: panel chair, "Edge cases, specialized hardware, large or exceptionally complex code bases."
- April 4–7: GPU Technology Conference, San Jose, CA — Pi-Yueh Chuang, presenter; L Barba, attending. S6355 - Using AmgX to Accelerate PETSc-Based CFD Codes.
- May 9–12: International Conference in Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD 2016), Kobe, Japan — L Barba, member of the scientific committee.
- May 30–June 1: PyCon 2016, Portland, OR — L Barba, keynote speaker.
- June 2–3: Emerging Technology Conference, EMiT 2016, Barcelona Supercomputing Center — L Barba, keynote speaker.
- June 6–18: Prof. Barba is visiting the Center for Mathematical Sciences, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in Wuhan, China. She gave the tutorial "The World of Jupyter" // GitHub repository // local tutorial announcement.
- June 19–23: ISC High-Performance Computing Conference, Frankfurt, Germany — L Barba, chair of the PhD Forum Program Committee.
- June 20–24: NGCM Summer Academy 2016, Southampton University, UK — L Barba, panelist.
- June 26–July 3: International HPC Summer School: Challenges in Computational Sciences, Ljubljana, Slovenia — Tingyu Wang, participating with funding from the partnership of US NSF, European PRACE, Japan's RIKEN AICS.
- July 11–17: Scientific Python Conference (SciPy 2016), Austin, TX — Gilbert Forsyth and L Barba: instructors for the tutorial "Numba: Tell those C++ bullies to get lost"
- July 31 – Aug. 12: Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing, ATPESC, Chicago, IL — Pi-Yueh Chuang, funded participant.
- Oct. 10–11: NumFOCUS Summit, George Washington University — L Barba, member of the Board of Directors, and hosting.
- Oct. 21–22: NSF CyberBridges Workshop, Rochester Institute of Technology, NY — L Barba, invited participant.
- Nov. 13–18: Supercomputing Conference, SC16, Salt Lake City — L Barba: 1) career mentor for the Early Career Program Speed Mentoring event; 2) panelist in "Different Architectures, Different Times: Reproducibility and Repeatability in High-Performance Computing" (Tue. 15 Nov, 10:30 AM) — Regular Poster: "Accelerating PETSc-based codes with multi-GPU computing" (post147s2), Pi-Yueh Chuang and L Barba.
- Nov. 18: Prof. Barba visiting Prof. Stephen Robinson, UC Davis.
- Dec. 7–9: MSRI Workshop on Insect Navigation, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA — L Barba, invited participant.
- Dec. 15–16: Berkeley Institute of Transparency for the Social Sciences (BITSS) fifth Annual Meeting, Berkeley, CA — L Barba, opening keynote.