Natalia Clementi defended her PhD thesis
Congratulations to Natalia Clementi, who successfully defended her thesis on February 16, 2021. Bravo!
Natalia is from Argentina, with a degree in physics from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. She was recruited by Prof. Barba during the VI Latin American Symposium on High-Performance Computing (HPC-Latam) in July 2013, and arrived in Washington to join the Barbagroup in Summer of 2014.
Her thesis is titled "Computational Nanoplasmonics for Biosensing Applications: a Boundary Integral Implementation in the Quasistatic Limit."
Presentation slides
- Clementi, Natalia C. (2021): Natalia Clementi - PhD Thesis Defense - slides. figshare. Presentation.
Video of the presentation
- "Reproducible validation and replication studies in nanoscale physics", Natalia C. Clementi, Lorena A. Barba. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 379(2197):20200068 (March 2021). 10.1098/rsta.2020.0068 // Preprint arXiv:2008.05414 // manuscript repository
Published online 29/03/2021. Published in print 17/05/2021.
- "Computational nanoplasmonics in the quasistatic limit for biosensing applications", Natalia C. Clementi, Christopher D. Cooper, Lorena A. Barba. Physical Review E, 100:063305 (Dec. 2019). 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.063305 // Preprint arXiv:1812.10722 // paper repository // reproducibility packages
- "PyGBe-LSPR: Python and GPU Boundary-integral solver for electrostatics", Natalia C. Clementi, Gilbert Forsyth, Christopher D. Cooper, Lorena A. Barba. The Journal of Open Source Software, 2(19):306 (November 2017). 10.21105/joss.00306 // Code repository
Open access.
- "PyGBe on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR)", Natalia C. Clementi, Christopher D. Cooper, Gilbert Forsyth, Lorena A. Barba. (May 2017). 10.6084/m9.figshare.4983311.v3 // nbviewer // code
Jupyter notebook, preliminary results. On figshare under CC-BY.
- "PyGBe: Python, GPUs and Boundary elements for biomolecular electrostatics", Christopher D. Cooper, Natalia C. Clementi, Gilbert Forsyth, Lorena A. Barba. The Journal of Open Source Software, 1(4) (August 2016). 10.21105/joss.00043 // Code repository
- "Probing protein orientation near charged nanosurfaces for simulation-assisted biosensor design", Christopher D. Cooper, Natalia C. Clementi, Lorena A. Barba. J. Chem. Phys., 143:124709 (September 2015). 10.1063/1.4931113 // Preprint arXiv:1503.08150v4 // code repository // manuscript repository // figshare: orientation of protein GB1 // figshare: orientation of immunoglobulin G // figshare: grid convergence, immunoglobulin G
Version 3 of the preprint is the version submitted to a journal, after the original manuscript was split in two. Version 4 is the post peer-review revision.
On Twitter
PhD Thesis Defense ✅
— Naty Clementi (@ncclementi) February 16, 2021
#Barbagroup News: our paper with @ncclementi has appeared in Philosophical Transactions A—the oldest scientific journal, where Newton published!—and look at what the editor says about it @RSocPublishing
— Lorena Barba (@LorenaABarba) March 29, 2021
I'm very happy to share that I've joined the @CoiledHQ team as a software engineer. I'm very excited to be working with such a great team!!!
— Naty Clementi (@ncclementi) April 20, 2021