Lorena A. Barba group

Reproducibility PI Manifesto

"Reproducibility PI Manifesto" is a pledge by Prof. Barba to lead her group with a consistent reproducibility policy.

The ICERM workshop on "Reproducibility in Computational and Experimental Mathematics" was held December 2012 in Providence, RI. It brought together people from academia, funding agencies, national laboratories, professional societies and the publishing industry to discuss the technological and social challenges of ensuring reproducibility in this age of pervasive computation-based discovery.

Prof. Barba gave a lightning talk in the workshop in which she made a pledge to lead her research group with a consistent policy aiming to improve reproducibility practices. The slides of her presentation are available on figshare under a CC-BY license.

The pledge:

  1. I will teach my graduate students about reproducibility.
  2. All our research code (and writing) is under version control.
  3. We will always carry out verification and validation (V&V reports are posted to figshare)
  4. For main results in a paper, we will share data, plotting script & figure under CC-BY
  5. We will upload the preprint to arXiv at the time of submission of a paper.
  6. We will release code at the time of submission of a paper.
  7. We will add a "Reproducibility" declaration at the end of each paper.
  8. I will keep an up-to-date web presence.
